always been

But I never set out to be a photographer. I was (and still am!) going to be a writer. And then as I worked toward that writing goal, someone put a camera in my hand and asked me to try telling stories with something besides words. So with an English nerd's love for character and tone, a romantic's love for poignant beauty, and a realist's love for imperfection, I dove in.

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always been a

That was back in 2010.

Since that time, photography has changed much of my life. It's brought me some of my dearest friends. It's reshaped the way my husband Danny and I view serving others. It has even literally taken me around the world. One thing that hasn't changed: my soul-stirring desire to tell stories that feel so real you're sure you knew them before you heard them. Or saw them. It's my privilege to tell those stories for my clients, and for the generations of their families still to come.

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Wedding Planning Wednesday # 36: How to Hire Vendors You’ll Love | Florida Wedding Photographer

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

This week, a fantastic article from HuffPo, written by a professional photographer, has been making the rounds on Facebook. “How NOT to Choose Your Wedding Photographer” is something I hope every couple reads. It also got me thinking. . . .

As a photographer, my work on a couple’s wedding day hinges on the other wedding professionals’ work. After all, I’m photographing their work (cakes, flowers, decor), and I’m photographing the results of their work (DJs, hairstylists, wedding planners). So it’s in my best interest if the other professionals are truly excellent at their jobs. But even more, it’s in my couples’ interest if everyone they hire is excellent at their jobs, and I want my couples to have wedding days they remember with happy tears when they browse through their pictures — not tears of frustration over vendors’ mistakes or unprofessional behavior.

So here are my tips for hiring wedding pros who help produce those joyful memories.Go into the process with reasonable expectations.
This is key for couples. If a couple plans to hire a low-budget vendor and expects high-budget-vendor-quality, that’s not reasonable. If a couple assumes a vendor will change the way that vendor does business to accommodate the couple’s requests, that also isn’t reasonable. What is reasonable is expecting vendors to produce results similar to what you see in their portfolio, to keep their promises, and to fulfill their contract.

Find vendors who share your vision.
This is also essential to making sure a couple’s wedding turns out as they hope. If a couple wants a modern, hipster wedding, it’s a good bet that hiring a wedding planner who specializes in whimsical, vintage weddings won’t produce the wedding day of the couple’s dreams. So carefully comb through each wedding pro’s website before making initial contact. Does this person’s work resemble what you want to see at your own wedding? Does their write-up about their business sound like it meshes with your ideas? If the answers are yes, contact the vendor. Explain your wedding plans clearly. If the vendor seems excited, that’s a good sign! If not, ask direct questions: Is this type of wedding something the vendor would be interested in? Does it sound like a good fit for the vendor’s work?

Find vendors you like as people, not just professionals.
I have to share something that happened to me once. After shooting a fabulous wedding, I was emailing and calling the vendors to let them know their work was going to be published on a major wedding blog — and as soon as I introduced myself over the phone to one of the vendors, she cut me off, told me she was extremely busy and that I should know better than to call her during such a busy time, that I needed to call back when it was more convenient for her. Now, I would venture to guess she wouldn’t have treated me so abruptly if I’d said, “Hi, I’m a bride and I want to hire you.” But I don’t think it makes a difference: Nice people are nice to people; not nice people are not nice to people. When it comes down to it, couples want to work with nice people, because everything will run more smoothly if everyone gets along. So look for vendors who set you at ease and seem like team players.

Ask for recommendations.
This suggestion, just like reading online reviews, comes with a major caveat: Not everyone has the same tastes, standards, or expectations. But recommendations are a fantastic place to start when it comes to looking for wedding professionals. Ask past brides and groom about their experiences with specific vendors. Look through their wedding photos and watch their wedding video if you can. Find out if there were any hiccups or problems with the vendor they’re recommending.

Remember that you’re hiring professionals for their talent and expertise — so look for people who are talented experts.
When you hire someone to do a job, you’re securing far more than the end product they will deliver to you. You’re securing the person’s ideas and skills and artistry. Talented wedding professionals are not commodities — they take pride in their work, and they will help guide you through the planning process.  So look for professionals who are talented and excited to work with you and who are eager to share their own ideas. Vendors who are truly great at and invested in their job will bring more to the experience than you had even dreamed possible; they want to create work that is new and exciting and that will make you feel like you’re living a dream.

Don’t settle.
It’s understandable to want to get everything booked as quickly as possible so you don’t have these huge wedding planning tasks looming over you — but it’s not always a good idea. If you’re 100% certain you’ve found the wedding professional you want, sign that contract! If you’re not 100% sure, take the time to really think through the pros and cons of hiring this person versus someone else. Yes, there’s a chance you could lose that vendor because another couple will book them in the meantime, but it’s better to be certain of your relationship than to spend the rest of your engagement — and perhaps even after your wedding itself — wondering if you chose the right person for the job. There are so many excellent wedding professionals out there. Find the ones who connect with you.

~ Laura

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