always been

But I never set out to be a photographer. I was (and still am!) going to be a writer. And then as I worked toward that writing goal, someone put a camera in my hand and asked me to try telling stories with something besides words. So with an English nerd's love for character and tone, a romantic's love for poignant beauty, and a realist's love for imperfection, I dove in.

meet LAURA

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always been a

That was back in 2010.

Since that time, photography has changed much of my life. It's brought me some of my dearest friends. It's reshaped the way my husband Danny and I view serving others. It has even literally taken me around the world. One thing that hasn't changed: my soul-stirring desire to tell stories that feel so real you're sure you knew them before you heard them. Or saw them. It's my privilege to tell those stories for my clients, and for the generations of their families still to come.

meet laura

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Bringing Autumn Inside

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

In Florida, we don’t get too much of fall. (You may have noticed I’ve lamented this before. Multiple times.) I grew up with little bits of fall at my parents house — Chinese tallow trees with leaves that would turn vibrant red (though usually the majority of the tree stayed green until January); sycamore trees with leaves that would fade to a crunchy brown, flutter to the ground, and provide the perfect leaf piles for jumping. Now, Danny and I have a next door neighbor whose maple is grudgingly taking on some color, but our own trees aren’t exactly suited to being autumn-y — we have palms and magnolias, a baby orange tree and a couple of young oaks.

So we go out and get fall color and bring it inside.Fall DaisiesThat’ll do. Until, one of these years, we finally make it up north to enjoy a real fall.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

~ Laura

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