always been

But I never set out to be a photographer. I was (and still am!) going to be a writer. And then as I worked toward that writing goal, someone put a camera in my hand and asked me to try telling stories with something besides words. So with an English nerd's love for character and tone, a romantic's love for poignant beauty, and a realist's love for imperfection, I dove in.

meet LAURA

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always been a

That was back in 2010.

Since that time, photography has changed much of my life. It's brought me some of my dearest friends. It's reshaped the way my husband Danny and I view serving others. It has even literally taken me around the world. One thing that hasn't changed: my soul-stirring desire to tell stories that feel so real you're sure you knew them before you heard them. Or saw them. It's my privilege to tell those stories for my clients, and for the generations of their families still to come.

meet laura

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Whether you’re celebrating a white Christmas or powdery beaches are as close to snow as you’ll get to snow, we want to send you the very merriest, warmest wishes this Christmas! And no, we didn’t decide that Danny wasn’t cute enough to be included in these pictures — it’s just that George and I had […]

Whether you’re celebrating a white Christmas or powdery beaches are as close to snow as you’ll get to snow, we want to send you the very merriest, warmest wishes this Christmas! And no, we didn’t decide that Danny wasn’t cute enough to be included in these pictures — it’s just that George and I had […]

All this blog silence for the past however many weeks now has been the result of life being peacefully packed. Last month, Danny and I went to Spain. Eventually, I’ll blog pictures of that (amazing, wonderful, gorgeous, delicious, exciting, and every-fun-adjective) trip. Since we came home, I’ve been keeping consistent work hours, Bible study hours, […]

All this blog silence for the past however many weeks now has been the result of life being peacefully packed. Last month, Danny and I went to Spain. Eventually, I’ll blog pictures of that (amazing, wonderful, gorgeous, delicious, exciting, and every-fun-adjective) trip. Since we came home, I’ve been keeping consistent work hours, Bible study hours, […]

Last spring, I shared the story behind Legacy Portraits. But the story of how I became a photographer in the first place? That’s a story I’ve told over and over — but I’m honestly not sure if I’ve ever written it down. So here goes! My photography story starts in college, with a few flashbacks to my […]

Last spring, I shared the story behind Legacy Portraits. But the story of how I became a photographer in the first place? That’s a story I’ve told over and over — but I’m honestly not sure if I’ve ever written it down. So here goes! My photography story starts in college, with a few flashbacks to my […]

Friends, it has felt like such a hectic spring and summer around here. It probably hasn’t looked hectic from the outside. But inside it sure has felt that way. We’ve been traveling, hosting friends and family, planning and helping run a week of summer camp, shooting sessions, making big business decisions, working on (also big) side projects […]

Friends, it has felt like such a hectic spring and summer around here. It probably hasn’t looked hectic from the outside. But inside it sure has felt that way. We’ve been traveling, hosting friends and family, planning and helping run a week of summer camp, shooting sessions, making big business decisions, working on (also big) side projects […]

It’s been a whole month since my trip to China ended. I haven’t stopped thinking about it. And I’m finally sharing a little more of it! On our first full day in Beijing, we visited the Forbidden City — with cameras, of course. The sheer size and scope of this giant walled compound was amazing. […]

It’s been a whole month since my trip to China ended. I haven’t stopped thinking about it. And I’m finally sharing a little more of it! On our first full day in Beijing, we visited the Forbidden City — with cameras, of course. The sheer size and scope of this giant walled compound was amazing. […]

If you follow my personal Instagram account (@lauraeyang) or personal Facebook page, then you saw that I took a little trip last month. Actually, a really big trip. To China. There’s much more to come, from pictures all around the Forbidden City (the most visited museum in the world with 14 million annual visitors . . […]

If you follow my personal Instagram account (@lauraeyang) or personal Facebook page, then you saw that I took a little trip last month. Actually, a really big trip. To China. There’s much more to come, from pictures all around the Forbidden City (the most visited museum in the world with 14 million annual visitors . . […]




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