always been

But I never set out to be a photographer. I was (and still am!) going to be a writer. And then as I worked toward that writing goal, someone put a camera in my hand and asked me to try telling stories with something besides words. So with an English nerd's love for character and tone, a romantic's love for poignant beauty, and a realist's love for imperfection, I dove in.

meet LAURA

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always been a

That was back in 2010.

Since that time, photography has changed much of my life. It's brought me some of my dearest friends. It's reshaped the way my husband Danny and I view serving others. It has even literally taken me around the world. One thing that hasn't changed: my soul-stirring desire to tell stories that feel so real you're sure you knew them before you heard them. Or saw them. It's my privilege to tell those stories for my clients, and for the generations of their families still to come.

meet laura

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Wedding Planning Wednesday # 54: You Never Want Too Many Cooks In the Kitchen

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

I’m going to guess that you’ve heard the adage “too many cooks in the kitchen” before you read the title of my blog post today. Just in case you haven’t, it simply means that, when it comes to making a decision or series of decisions, there can be such a thing as too many people involved.

It’s rarely more true than when it comes to planning a wedding.
2013-03-06_0018It can be hard to balance listening to all your friends’ and family members’ divergent opinions, then forging ahead with your own vision for what your wedding should be. Toss in a relative or two who is determined to see your wedding unfold as something very much unlike what you have in mind, and you have a recipe for trouble. Sometimes it’s unavoidable. Sometimes you’ll just have to accept that and decide if you would rather have a relative or two miffed about your plans (and, if they’re taking things really hard, potentially damaging your relationship) or alter the coarse of your course to the altar.

Truthfully: If it comes down to that, it isn’t going to be easy, whichever decision you make.

Also true, though: If you can keep a level-headed perspective about your wedding, it will be easier than it would be otherwise.
2013-03-06_0020Your wedding is your day — but it is just a day. Keep that in mind at all times. Any family relationship is, hopefully, forever.

That isn’t to say that you should leave your knife on the butcher’s block and hand the kitchen over to any who opposes any part of your plans. It’s just a reminder that, no matter what your friend or relative says or does that might be hurtful, you have to live with your decisions. You’re not responsible for what anyone else says or does. But wedding planning can become an unexpectedly volatile time, so keeping the big picture in mind will be essential.

Live with integrity in everything, and no matter what happens, you’ll be able to hold your head high.

~ Laura

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