always been

But I never set out to be a photographer. I was (and still am!) going to be a writer. And then as I worked toward that writing goal, someone put a camera in my hand and asked me to try telling stories with something besides words. So with an English nerd's love for character and tone, a romantic's love for poignant beauty, and a realist's love for imperfection, I dove in.

meet LAURA

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always been a

That was back in 2010.

Since that time, photography has changed much of my life. It's brought me some of my dearest friends. It's reshaped the way my husband Danny and I view serving others. It has even literally taken me around the world. One thing that hasn't changed: my soul-stirring desire to tell stories that feel so real you're sure you knew them before you heard them. Or saw them. It's my privilege to tell those stories for my clients, and for the generations of their families still to come.

meet laura

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A Hard Goodbye and A Beautiful Hello: Introducing Legacy Portraits

Friday, June 26th, 2015

This announcement has been a long time in the making. Now that the time has come, it’s bittersweet.

I’m really not a fan of melodrama or a long, drawn out build-up, so I’ll go ahead and just say it:

We are shifting the focus of our business from weddings to legacy portraits.

Our brand new website launched today, and we are so incredibly excited to share this new vision for legacy portraits!new-websiteLet me begin by saying that this transition has not been an easy decision for us. We’ve discussed it at length for many, many months, and we’ve prayed over it considerably, and we’ve sought the advice of trusted family and friends and peers in the photography industry. We have loved each and every one of our wedding couples, and we’ve been so grateful they invited us into such an intimate and wonderful time in their lives.

Ever since we started our photography business, our emphasis had been on weddings. Portraits were something that we only did occasionally. But something surprising happened along the way: I fell in love with portraits. I mean, come-home-after-a-shoot-glowing in love with portraits. While I have always felt excited and honored to be a part of the glamorous, once-in-a-lifetime excitement of a couple’s wedding day, I just melt when a family invites me to capture the ordinary everyday-ness of their lives. That’s how my love for legacy portraits began.

When I say legacy portraits, I’m talking about photographs that are as much for future generations as they are for you — photographs that are not only exquisitely beautiful, but that also capture and evoke the genuineness of your personality, your relationships. I’m talking about the photographs of your family interacting and laughing together that your children will one day proudly show their grandchildren and tell them what their family was like when they were small. I’m talking about the senior portraits that, many years down the road, will make a teenaged daughter feel more connected to the mother who was once a bubbly high school student just like her. I’m talking about portraits that will share the story of who you are for generations to come.

These are the photographs I want to create with legacy portraits, the memories I want to preserve.

We’ve done just that with weddings for the past four years, and it has been wonderful! But we know it’s time to make this transition to portraits: for a while now, we’ve felt God gently tugging us to pursue projects and passions aside from weddings, to chase lifelong daydreams and make them reality. While we’re a little bit nervous — let’s face it, weddings have been not only the center of our business but the center of our lives for the past four years — we know the time is right.

Will we ever come back to weddings? We don’t know, but we’ll certainly let you all know if we do! We never dreamed we would be wedding photographers in the first place, but that’s how we’ve spent the last four years. And it has been a great blessing.

Now, we hope you’ll come along for this next phase of our journey!

~ Laura

  1. Jillian Tree says:

    Love the new website!!! So exciting :):) I didn’t realize you guys were headed in that direction! Wish we could catch up more often <3 Love the senior shot with the horse, so stunning!!

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