Without fail, this is one of the highlights of my year. Four times, the Pursuit Conference has gathered on the hillside at WinShape, and four times I’ve come home amazed at how God works.
If you’ve been following along on my personal Instagram page, you know what I’m talking about. And the truth is, I’m not sure I can sum up the week any better than I already did on Instagram, so here’s an Insta-exerpt. A love letter, if you will. And plenty of unfiltered (except the occasional black and white) Instapics. Because for the first time, I didn’t even take my DSLR, and I didn’t miss it. I was too absorbed in everything I was learning and everyone around me.
This was a week where GOD SHOWED UP and made his presence so felt. I got to witness it in other women’s lives; I got to experience it in my own. Going into this conference, I simply asked God to make his desire for me apparent as I listened to the speakers, talked through heavy things with friends old and new. It happened right from the start. Bible verse after Bible verse were literally set before me – by which I mean, on my bed, at my place setting at the table, and they were answers. Throughout the week, we worshipped, we sang, we learned. I took over 40 pages of notes. I cry-prayed under a stairwell with someone I’d only met the day before. I wandered around the lake with a dear friend as we both tried to delve deeper into understanding our God. I listened to stories of how he works more completely and perfectly than any of us can dream, even though we’re so fast to forget. And I came home rejoicing, even in the hard parts. God made us in his image and for his glory, and nothing can ever undo that.
Thank you so much to Lauren for this shot!
Hannah, and all the speakers, absolutely nailed it.I totally don’t remember who took this picture for us, but I really appreciate it!
Jenny is the best roommate! We’ve been roomies three years in a row. And thanks to Julie for grabbing this shot of us!
Small group #6!
Thanks to April for this photo of Suzy and me!
And thank you, Meagan for this one!
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