This winter in Florida hasn’t been much of a winter at all. Balmy, beautiful days and balmy, beautiful nights. Oh — and gorgeous sunrises.
A couple months ago, just as fall was wrapping up and winter was getting underway, we headed to the beach with our friends for a sunrise session decked out with girly Lilly Pulizter (because the little one had all but outgrown her outfit and needed to get in one last wear). We had no idea the sky would decide to go all Lilly Pulitzer-bright on us that morning, too! It was a perfect cotton candy sunrise on a crispy, breezy morning, and it was idyllic.
Of course, while Big Sis looked up at Dad adoringly, Little Sis…played Bop It with Mom’s mouth.
When kids don’t want to cooperate at photo sessions, let them chase candy up and down the beach at seven a.m. Follow it up with shouts of, “We’re really winning at this parenting thing this morning!”
“Give your sister a hug.”
“A hug, not a headlock!”
Love you four!
~ Laura
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