It’s been kind of quiet here on the blog recently. That’s because our lives have been really loud and busy!
Danny and I are in Virginia for the holidays, and we spent a wonderful Christmas with his side of the family, at a church service in the morning, cooking our Christmas feast during the afternoon, and eating and exchanging gifts in the evening. We Skyped with my side of the family in the morning and opened our gifts to each other as we watched on our computer screens, 800 miles away. Yesterday we visited my aunt, uncle, and cousin in Maryland. Today, we’re back to work on our laptops, in the basement of Danny’s parents’ house.
Tomorrow you’ll see some of the fruits of our labor — our 2012 weddings recap will hit the blog in the morning. In the meantime, here’s a little Instagram look into what life has been like here this Christmas.Pajama pants . . . the only way to enjoy a snowy day.
This Florida girl was pretty excited to find real snowflakes on our car the other day.
George has been having a great time
bothering visiting with his cousin-dogs while we’re here.The snow fell as we decorated the tree on Christmas Eve!
The final product on Christmas night.
Happy holidays, everyone!
~ Laura
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